Discovery weekend

    Do you want to give meaning to your life? Are you looking for peace of mind? Do you aspire to see more clearly in a world whose values you do not share? Then come and participate in a spiritual retreat in a Zen monastery, discover…

Winter session

Led by Taiun JP Faure This retreat (in Japanese: sesshin, "to touch the mind") is the opportunity to end the year and start the new year all together and under the best auspices.    

Buddha’s awakening retreat

  Led by Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure —————————————————— A silent retreat * in homage of Buddha’s awakening. Every year, in each temple, the nuns and monks commemorate Buddha’s awakening, reliving…

November Retreat

Led by Taiun JP Faure During this retreat, cut off from our daily environment, we forget our usual preoccupations and devote ourselves to the spiritual practice: to return to a deeply peaceful, available, open mind. Zazen is the root practice…

First retreat

led by Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure You are looking for a spiritual path, for a more meaningful life... You want to find your way in a society whose values are not always in line with yours... Kanshoji monastery is offering a Soto Zen Buddhism…

Retreat- Receive the Dharma, Touch the Mind

Led by Taiun JP Faure During this retreat, cut off from our daily environment, we forget our usual preoccupations and devote ourselves to the spiritual practice: to return to a deeply peaceful, available, open mind. Zazen is the root practice…

Zazen day

Led by Jifū Olivier Pressac   Schedule : – Arrival 7h30 – 8.00 Zazen – 9.20 Ceremony – 9.45 Tea, coffee -Chosan – 11.00 Zazen – 11.45 ceremony in commemoration of the birth of Buddha Shakyamuni –…

Sesshin & Teaching

  Sesshin* & Teaching General Assembly of the association from 5 until 8 May 2023 During this session, we inaugurate a new formula: zazen, seminar and General Assembly of the association. This session will be led by Taiun…

Gratitude retreat

directed by Taiun JP Faure   Away from the dust of the social world, practicing meditation, ceremonies, eating meals in silence, receiving the teachings... This retreat commemorates the entry into Nirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha.   *…

Discovery Retreat

[layerslider id="3"]   You are not satisfied with life in our society and you want to take a step back? You wish to give meaning to your life? Are you looking for the tranquility of a peaceful mind? Are you aspiring to see more clearly…